miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Think and Go Rich

This is one of my favourites Book...

Some 30 years ago, I was given "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" on the first day Combined Insurance sales training. It was co-authored by W. Clement Stone and Napolean Hill. It cited Think and Grow Rich as THE book on success. I bought it and read it. In fairness, I have fair library of these type of books. I read them over and over the next ten to 15 years. I set goals - personal improvement, family, business, wealth, health, and so on. I wrote them down. I read them daily for years. I set out to achieve these things. I read other authors and adopted systems built on the principles in Think and Grow Rich - Franklin Covey's day planner system is a good example.
Life gets busy and I fell out of practice. I didn't review my goals, values, and beliefs daily and may have even missed reviewing them annually which is when I would review and update my goals and set new ones. I wanted to be so rich I could retire at 50 and play most of my adult life, manage my investments, maybe do part time non-profit work. I simply fell away and got out of the habbit.

Think and Go Rich

Then I woke up one day and I remembered it all. I remembered that I knew how to get what I wanted and I had done so many times. I had gotten lazy and I needed to get back on it. I assessed where I was... I was almost 50... I had $4M in assets... I had a good job making $130K/yr working about 20 - 30 hours a week and they were flexible hours... I had a houseful of good, strong, healthy, brilliant kids who spent a lot more time at home than out running the streets with their friends - and they had the right friends, good people, nice folks... I had my health, no debt (I mean $zero), multiple pieces of real estate, stocks, cash... Shoot, I realized I basically was retired and I had transformed my career into a part time retirement job. Wow, even on auto-pilot, it works! I mean, it REALLY works.
OK, so now you figure I want you to go to my web site and buy my thing. But no. I work at a regular job with a regular boss and with regular customers. Oh sure, I'm in IT and it's a hot niche and I've done it 30 years and I was in the right place at the right time and I was lucky and all that. All true. But I left college after 1 year with bad grades and I went to work in a factory, then I started banging nails (working for myself), then I sold floor covering (and kept banging nails.) I took a big chance and traded it all for a year of trade school where I learn computer electronics in the 1980s. I took a cut in pay to move into this industry, but I just knew it was the future, my future. 

If you want the book Think and Go Rich just click in this banner below

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